distortions.h File Reference
#include "arrays.h"
#include "background.h"
#include "thermodynamics.h"
#include "perturbations.h"
#include "primordial.h"
#include "noninjection.h"
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Data Structures

struct  distortions


enum  br_approx
enum  reio_approx

Detailed Description

Documented module on spectral distortions Matteo Lucca, 31.10.2018 Nils Schoeneberg, 18.02.2019

Data Structure Documentation

◆ distortions

struct distortions

distorsions structure, containing all the distortion-related parameters and evolution that other modules need to know.

Data Fields
int sd_branching_approx

Which approximation to use for the branching ratios?

int sd_PCA_size

Number of PCA components for the calculation of residual distortions

DetectorFileName sd_detector_file_name

Name of detector list file

DetectorName sd_detector_name

Name of detector

double sd_detector_nu_min

Minimum frequency of chosen detector

double sd_detector_nu_max

Maximum frequency of chosen detector

double sd_detector_nu_delta

Bin size of chosen detector

int sd_detector_bin_number

Number of frequency bins of chosen detector

double sd_detector_delta_Ic

Sensitivity of the chosen detector

enum reio_approx sd_reio_type

Calculation method for Sunyaev Zeldovich contributions from re-ionization

double sd_add_y

Possible additional y contribution (manually) to the SD signal

double sd_add_mu

Possible additional mu contribution (manually) to the SD signal

double z_muy

Redshift of the transition of mu to y era

double z_th

Redshift of the transition from thermal shift to mu era

double z_min

Minimum redshift

double z_max

Maximum redshift

int z_size

Lenght of redshift array

double z_delta

Redshift intervals

double * z

Redshift list z[index_z] = list of values

double * z_weights

Weights for integration over z

double x_min

Minimum dimentionless frequency

double x_max

Maximum dimentionless frequency

double x_delta

dimentionless frequency intervals

int x_size

Lenght of dimentionless frequency array

double * x

Dimensionless frequency x[index_x] = list of values

double * x_weights

Weights for integration over x

double x_to_nu

Conversion factor nu[GHz] = x_to_nu * x

double DI_units

Conversion from unitless DI to DI[10^26 W m^-2 Hz^-1 sr^-1]

char sd_detector_noise_file[2 *_FILENAMESIZE_+_MAX_DETECTOR_NAME_LENGTH_+256]

Full path of detector noise file

DetectorFileName sd_PCA_file_generator

Full path of PCA generator file

DetectorFileName sd_detector_list_file

Full path of detector list file

double ** br_table

Branching ratios br_table[index_type][index_z]

double * sd_parameter_table

Spectral Distortion parameters (g,mu,y,r) sd_parameter_table[index_type]

double ** sd_shape_table

Spectral Distortion shapes (G,M,Y,R) sd_shape_table[index_type][index_x]

double ** sd_table

Spectral Distortion Intensities (final deltaI seperated by component) sd_table[index_type][index_x]

int index_type_g

temperature shift/g type distortion

int index_type_mu

mu type distortion

int index_type_y

y type distortion

int index_type_PCA

PCA type distortion (first index)

int type_size

Number of total components for the type array

double epsilon
double * dQrho_dz_tot
double Drho_over_rho
double * DI

DI[index_x] = list of values

double * br_exact_z

Redshift array for reading from file br_exact_z[index_z]

int br_exact_Nz

Number of redshift values for reading from file

double * f_g_exact

temperature shift/g distortion branching ratio f_g_exact[index_z]

double * ddf_g_exact

second derivative of the above ddf_g_exact[index_z]

double * f_y_exact

y distortion branching ratio f_y_exact[index_z]

double * ddf_y_exact

second derivative of the above ddf_y_exact[index_z]

double * f_mu_exact

mu distortion shape branching ratio f_mu_exact[index_z]

double * ddf_mu_exact

second derivative of the above ddf_mu_exact[index_z]

double * E_vec

PCA component E branching ratio for reading from file E_vec[index_e*br_exact_Nz+index_z] with index_e=[1..8]

double * ddE_vec

second derivative of the above ddE_vec[index_e*br_exact_Nz+index_z]

int E_vec_size

number of PCA component E branching ratios

double * PCA_nu

Frquency array for reading from file PCA_nu[index_nu]

int PCA_Nnu

Number of frequency values for reading from file

double * PCA_G_T

temperature shift/g distortion shape PCA_G_T[index_nu]

double * ddPCA_G_T

second derivative of the above ddPCA_G_T[index_nu]

double * PCA_Y_SZ

y distortion shape PCA_Y_SZ[index_nu]

double * ddPCA_Y_SZ

second derivative of the above ddPCA_Y_SZ[index_nu]

double * PCA_M_mu

mu distortion shape PCA_M_mu[index_nu]

double * ddPCA_M_mu

second derivative of the above ddPCA_M_mu[index_nu]

double * S_vec

PCA component S shape for reading from file S_vec[index_s*S_vec_size+index_x] with index_s=[1..8]

double * ddS_vec

second derivative of the above ddS_vec[index_s*S_vec_size+index_x]

int S_vec_size

number of PCA component S spectral shapes

double * delta_Ic_array

delta_Ic[index_x] for detectors with given sensitivity in each bin

int has_distortions

do we need to compute spectral distortions?

int has_user_defined_detector

does the user specify their own detector?

int has_user_defined_name

does the user specify the name of their detector?

int has_detector_file

do we have a file for the detector specification?

int has_SZ_effect

do we include the SZ effect?

int include_only_exotic

shall we only take exotic injection contributions?

int include_g_distortion

shall we include the g distortion in the total distortion ?

int has_noninjected

do we have terms that are not injected (like dissipation of acoustic waves)?

struct noninjection ni

noninjection file structure

short distortions_verbose

flag regulating the amount of information sent to standard output (none if set to zero)

ErrorMsg error_message

zone for writing error messages

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ br_approx

enum br_approx

List of possible branching ratio approximations

◆ reio_approx

List of possible schemes to compute relativistic contribution from reionization and structure formatio