output.h File Reference
#include "common.h"
#include "lensing.h"
#include "distortions.h"
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Data Structures

struct  output


#define _Z_PK_NUM_MAX_   100

Detailed Description

Documented includes for output module

Data Structure Documentation

◆ output

struct output

Structure containing various informations on the output format, all of them initialized by user in input module.

Data Fields
char root[_FILENAMESIZE_-32]

root for all file names

int z_pk_num

number of redshift at which P(k,z) and T_i(k,z) should be written

double z_pk[_Z_PK_NUM_MAX_]

value(s) of redshift at which P(k,z) and T_i(k,z) should be written

short write_header

flag stating whether we should write a header in output files

enum file_format output_format

which format for output files (definitions, order of columns, etc.)

short write_background

flag for outputing background evolution in file

short write_thermodynamics

flag for outputing thermodynamical evolution in file

short write_perturbations

flag for outputing perturbations of selected wavenumber(s) in file(s)

short write_primordial

flag for outputing scalar/tensor primordial spectra in files

short write_exotic_injection

flag for outputing exotic energy injection/deposition in files

short write_noninjection

flag for outputing non-injected contributions in files

short write_distortions

flag for outputing spectral distortions in files

short output_verbose

flag regulating the amount of information sent to standard output (none if set to zero)

ErrorMsg error_message

zone for writing error messages

Macro Definition Documentation


#define _Z_PK_NUM_MAX_   100

Maximum number of values of redshift at which the spectra will be written in output files