thermodynamics.h File Reference
#include "background.h"
#include "evolver_ndf15.h"
#include "evolver_rkck.h"
#include "wrap_hyrec.h"
#include "wrap_recfast.h"
#include "injection.h"
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Data Structures

struct  thermodynamics
struct  thermo_vector
struct  thermo_diffeq_workspace
struct  thermo_reionization_parameters
struct  thermo_workspace
struct  thermodynamics_parameters_and_workspace


#define f1(x)   (-0.75*x*(x*x/3.-1.)+0.5)
#define f2(x)   (x*x*(0.5-x/3.)*6.)
Some limits imposed on cosmological parameter values:
#define _YHE_BIG_   0.5
#define _YHE_SMALL_   0.01
#define _Z_REC_MAX_   2000.
#define _Z_REC_MIN_   500.


enum  recombination_algorithm
enum  reionization_parametrization {
  reio_none , reio_camb , reio_bins_tanh , reio_half_tanh ,
  reio_many_tanh , reio_inter
enum  reionization_z_or_tau { reio_z , reio_tau }

Detailed Description

Documented includes for thermodynamics module

Data Structure Documentation

◆ thermodynamics

struct thermodynamics

All thermodynamics parameters and evolution that other modules need to know.

Once initialized by thermodynamics_init(), contains all the necessary information on the thermodynamics, and in particular, a table of thermodynamical quantities as a function of the redshift, used for interpolation in other modules.

Data Fields
double YHe

$ Y_{He} $: primordial helium mass fraction rho_He/(rho_H+rho_He), close but not exactly equal to the density fraction 4*n_He/(n_H+4*n_He)

double bbn_alpha_sensitivity

Related to variation of fundamental constants (sensitivity of YHe to alpha)

enum recombination_algorithm recombination

recombination code

enum recfast_photoion_modes recfast_photoion_mode

photo-ionization coefficient mode of the recfast algorithm

enum reionization_parametrization reio_parametrization

reionization scheme

enum reionization_z_or_tau reio_z_or_tau

is the input parameter the reionization redshift or optical depth?

double tau_reio

if above set to tau, input value of reionization optical depth

double z_reio

if above set to z, input value of reionization redshift

short compute_cb2_derivatives

do we want to include in computation derivatives of baryon sound speed?

short compute_damping_scale

do we want to compute the simplest analytic approximation to the photon damping (or diffusion) scale?

short has_idm_b

parameters for interacting dark matter Do we have idm with baryons?

short has_idm_g

Do we have idm with photons?

short has_idm_dr

Do we have idm with dark radiation?

double reionization_width

parameters for reio_camb width of H reionization

double reionization_exponent

shape of H reionization

double helium_fullreio_redshift

redshift for of helium reionization

double helium_fullreio_width

width of helium reionization

int binned_reio_num

parameters for reio_bins_tanh with how many bins do we want to describe reionization?

double * binned_reio_z

central z value for each bin

double * binned_reio_xe

imposed $ X_e(z)$ value at center of each bin

double binned_reio_step_sharpness

sharpness of tanh() step interpolating between binned values

int many_tanh_num

parameters for reio_many_tanh with how many jumps do we want to describe reionization?

double * many_tanh_z

central z value for each tanh jump

double * many_tanh_xe

imposed $ X_e(z)$ value at the end of each jump (ie at later times)

double many_tanh_width

sharpness of tanh() steps

int reio_inter_num

parameters for reio_inter with how many jumps do we want to describe reionization?

double * reio_inter_z

discrete z values

double * reio_inter_xe

discrete $ X_e(z)$ values

short has_exotic_injection

parameters for energy injection true if some exotic mechanism injects energy and affects the evolution of ionization and/or temperature and/or other thermodynamics variables that are relevant for the calculation of CMB anisotropies (and spectral distorsions if requested).

struct injection in

structure to store exotic energy injections and their energy deposition

double annihilation

parameter describing CDM annihilation (f <sigma*v> / m_cdm, see e.g. 0905.0003)

short has_on_the_spot

flag to specify if we want to use the on-the-spot approximation

double decay

parameter describing CDM decay (f/tau, see e.g. 1109.6322)

double annihilation_variation

if this parameter is non-zero, the function F(z)=(f <sigma*v> / m_cdm)(z) will be a parabola in log-log scale between zmin and zmax, with a curvature given by annihlation_variation (must be negative), and with a maximum in zmax; it will be constant outside this range

double annihilation_z

if annihilation_variation is non-zero, this is the value of z at which the parameter annihilation is defined, i.e. F(annihilation_z)=annihilation

double annihilation_zmax

if annihilation_variation is non-zero, redshift above which annihilation rate is maximal

double annihilation_zmin

if annihilation_variation is non-zero, redshift below which annihilation rate is constant

double annihilation_f_halo

takes the contribution of DM annihilation in halos into account

double annihilation_z_halo

characteristic redshift for DM annihilation in halos

short has_varconst

parameters for varying fundamental constants presence of varying fundamental constants?

int index_th_xe

ionization fraction $ x_e $

int index_th_dkappa

Thomson scattering rate $ d \kappa / d \tau$ (units 1/Mpc)

int index_th_tau_d

Baryon drag optical depth

int index_th_ddkappa

scattering rate derivative $ d^2 \kappa / d \tau^2 $

int index_th_dddkappa

scattering rate second derivative $ d^3 \kappa / d \tau^3 $

int index_th_exp_m_kappa

$ exp^{-\kappa} $

int index_th_g

visibility function $ g = (d \kappa / d \tau) * exp^{-\kappa} $

int index_th_dg

visibility function derivative $ (d g / d \tau) $

int index_th_ddg

visibility function second derivative $ (d^2 g / d \tau^2) $

int index_th_T_idm

idm temperature $ T_idm $

int index_th_c2_idm

idm sound speed squared $ c_idm^2 $

int index_th_T_idr

idr temperature $ T_idr $

int index_th_dmu_idm_dr

scattering rate of idr with idm_g_dr (i.e. idr opacity to idm_g_dr scattering) (units 1/Mpc)

int index_th_ddmu_idm_dr

derivative of the idm_g_dr scattering rate

int index_th_dddmu_idm_dr

second derivative of the idm_g_dr scattering rate

int index_th_dmu_idr

idr self-interaction rate

int index_th_tau_idm_dr

optical depth of idm_dr (due to interactions with idr)

int index_th_tau_idr

optical depth of idr (due to self-interactions)

int index_th_g_idm_dr

visibility function of idm_idr

int index_th_dmu_idm_g

idm_g scattering rate $ d \mu / d \tau$ (analogous to Thomson scattering) (see 1802.06589 for details)

int index_th_ddmu_idm_g

derivative of idm_g scattering, $ d^2 \mu / d \tau^2 $

int index_th_dddmu_idm_g

second derivative of idm_g scattering rate, $ d^3 \mu / d \tau^3 $

int index_th_exp_mu_idm_g

$ exp^{-\mu} $

int index_th_R_idm_b

idm_b interaction coefficient

int index_th_dR_idm_b

derivative of idm_b interaction coefficient wrt conformal time

int index_th_ddR_idm_b

second derivative of ibm_b interaction coefficient wrt conformal time

int index_th_Tb

baryon temperature $ T_b $

int index_th_dTb

derivative of baryon temperature

int index_th_wb

baryon equation of state parameter $ w_b = k_B T_b / \mu $

int index_th_cb2

squared baryon adiabatic sound speed $ c_b^2 $

int index_th_dcb2

derivative wrt conformal time of squared baryon sound speed $ d [c_b^2] / d \tau $ (only computed if some non-minimal tight-coupling schemes is requested)

int index_th_ddcb2

second derivative wrt conformal time of squared baryon sound speed $ d^2 [c_b^2] / d \tau^2 $ (only computed if some non0-minimal tight-coupling schemes is requested)

int index_th_rate

maximum variation rate of $ exp^{-\kappa}$, g and $ (d g / d \tau) $, used for computing integration step in perturbation module

int index_th_r_d

simple analytic approximation to the photon comoving damping scale

int th_size

size of thermodynamics vector

int tt_size

number of lines (redshift steps) in the tables

double * z_table

vector z_table[index_z] with values of redshift (vector of size tt_size)

double * tau_table

vector tau_table[index_tau] with values of conformal time (vector of size tt_size)

double * thermodynamics_table

table thermodynamics_table[index_z*pth->tt_size+pba->index_th] with all other quantities (array of size th_size*tt_size)

double * d2thermodynamics_dz2_table

table d2thermodynamics_dz2_table[index_z*pth->tt_size+pba->index_th] with values of $ d^2 t_i / dz^2 $ (array of size th_size*tt_size)

double z_rec

z at which the visibility reaches its maximum (= recombination redshift)

double tau_rec

conformal time at which the visibility reaches its maximum (= recombination time)

double rs_rec

comoving sound horizon at recombination

double ds_rec

physical sound horizon at recombination

double ra_rec

conformal angular diameter distance to recombination

double da_rec

physical angular diameter distance to recombination

double rd_rec

comoving photon damping scale at recombination

double z_star

redshift at which photon optical depth crosses one

double tau_star

confirmal time at which photon optical depth crosses one

double rs_star

comoving sound horizon at z_star

double ds_star

physical sound horizon at z_star

double ra_star

conformal angular diameter distance to z_star

double da_star

physical angular diameter distance to z_star

double rd_star

comoving photon damping scale at z_star

double z_d

baryon drag redshift

double tau_d

baryon drag time

double ds_d

physical sound horizon at baryon drag

double rs_d

comoving sound horizon at baryon drag

double tau_cut

at at which the visibility goes below a fixed fraction of the maximum visibility, used for an approximation in perturbation module

double angular_rescaling

[ratio ra_rec / (tau0-tau_rec)]: gives CMB rescaling in angular space relative to flat model (=1 for curvature K=0)

double tau_free_streaming

minimum value of tau at which free-streaming approximation can be switched on

double tau_idr_free_streaming

trigger for dark radiation free streaming approximation (idm-idr)

double tau_idr

decoupling time for idr

double tau_idm_dr

decoupling time for idm from idr

double tau_ini

initial conformal time at which thermodynamical variables have been be integrated

double fHe

$ f_{He} $: primordial helium-to-hydrogen nucleon ratio 4*n_He/n_H

double n_e

total number density of electrons today (free or not)

double m_idm

dark matter mass for idm

double a_idm_dr

strength of the coupling between interacting dark matter and interacting dark radiation (idm-idr)

double b_idr

strength of the self coupling for interacting dark radiation (idr-idr)

double n_index_idm_dr

temperature dependence of the interactions between dark matter and dark radiation

double cross_idm_b

cross section between interacting dark matter and baryons

int n_index_idm_b

temperature dependence of the interactions between dark matter and baryons

double n_coeff_idm_b

numerical n-dependent coefficient for idm_b

double cross_idm_g

cross section between interacting dark matter and photons

double u_idm_g

ratio between idm_g cross section and idm mass

int n_index_idm_g

temperature dependence of the interactions between dark matter and photons

short inter_normal

flag for calling thermodynamics_at_z and find position in interpolation table normally

short inter_closeby

flag for calling thermodynamics_at_z and find position in interpolation table starting from previous position in previous call

short thermodynamics_verbose

flag regulating the amount of information sent to standard output (none if set to zero)

short hyrec_verbose

flag regulating the amount of information sent to standard output from hyrec (none if set to zero)

ErrorMsg error_message

zone for writing error messages

◆ thermo_vector

struct thermo_vector

Other structures that are used during the thermodynamics module execution (i.e. during thermodynamics_init()) but get erased later on: thus they cannot be accessed by other modules. Vector of thermodynamical quantities to integrate over, and indices of this vector

Data Fields
int ti_size

size of thermo vector (ti stands for thermodynamical, integrated)

int index_ti_x_H

index for hydrogen fraction in y

int index_ti_x_He

index for helium fraction in y

int index_ti_D_Tmat

index for temperature difference between baryons and photons

int index_ti_T_idm

index for idm temperature fraction in y

double * y

vector of quantities to be integrated

double * dy

time-derivative of the same vector

int * used_in_output

boolean array specifying which quantities enter in the calculation of output functions

◆ thermo_diffeq_workspace

struct thermo_diffeq_workspace

Workspace for differential equation of thermodynamics

Data Fields
double x_H

Hydrogen ionization fraction

double x_He

Helium ionization fraction

double x_noreio

Electron ionization fraction, not taking into account reionization

double x_reio

Electron ionization fraction, taking into account reionization

double x

total ionization fraction following usual CMB convention, n_free/n_H = x_H + fHe * x_He;

double Tmat

matter temperature

double R_idm_b

idm_b interaction coefficient

double T_idm

idm_g temperature $ T_{idm-g} $

double T_idm_prime

derivative of idm_g temperature

◆ thermo_reionization_parameters

struct thermo_reionization_parameters

Workspace for reionization

Data Fields
int index_re_reio_redshift

hydrogen reionization redshift

int index_re_reio_exponent

an exponent used in the function x_e(z) in the reio_camb scheme

int index_re_reio_width

a width defining the duration of hydrogen reionization in the reio_camb scheme

int index_re_xe_before

ionization fraction at redshift 'reio_start'

int index_re_xe_after

ionization fraction after full reionization

int index_re_helium_fullreio_fraction

helium full reionization fraction inferred from primordial helium fraction

int index_re_helium_fullreio_redshift

helium full reionization redshift

int index_re_helium_fullreio_width

a width defining the duration of helium full reionization in the reio_camb scheme

int re_z_size

number of reionization jumps

int index_re_first_z

redshift at which we start to impose reionization function

int index_re_first_xe

ionization fraction at redshift first_z (inferred from recombination code)

int index_re_step_sharpness

sharpness of tanh jump

int index_re_reio_start

redshift above which hydrogen reionization neglected

double * reionization_parameters

vector containing all reionization parameters necessary to compute xe(z)

int re_size

length of vector reionization_parameters

◆ thermo_workspace

struct thermo_workspace

General parameters relevant to thermal history and pointers to few other more specialised worspaces

Data Fields
int Nz_reco_lin

number of redshifts linearly sampled for recombination during the evolver loop

int Nz_reco_log

number of redshifts logarithmically sampled for recombination during the evolver loop

int Nz_reco

number of redshifts for recombination during the evolver loop

int Nz_reio

number of redshift points of reionization during evolver loop

int Nz_tot

total number of sampled redshifts

double YHe

defined as in RECFAST : primordial helium mass fraction

double fHe

defined as in RECFAST : primordial helium-to-hydrogen nucleon ratio

double SIunit_H0

defined as in RECFAST : Hubble parameter today in SI units

double SIunit_nH0

defined as in RECFAST : Hydrogen number density today in SI units

double Tcmb

CMB temperature today in Kelvin

double const_NR_numberdens

prefactor in number density of nonrelativistic species

double const_Tion_H

ionization energy for HI as temperature

double const_Tion_HeI

ionization energy for HeI as temperature

double const_Tion_HeII

ionization energy for HeII as temperature

short has_ap_idmtca

flag to determine if we have idm tight-coupling approximation

double z_ap_idmtca

redshift at which we start idm tight-coupling approximation

double reionization_optical_depth

reionization optical depth inferred from reionization history

int last_index_back

nearest location in background table

struct thermo_diffeq_workspace * ptdw

pointer to workspace for differential equations

struct thermo_reionization_parameters * ptrp

pointer to workspace for reionization

◆ thermodynamics_parameters_and_workspace

struct thermodynamics_parameters_and_workspace

temporary parameters and workspace passed to the thermodynamics_derivs function

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ f1

#define f1 (   x)    (-0.75*x*(x*x/3.-1.)+0.5)

Two useful smooth step functions, for smoothing transitions in recfast. goes from 0 to 1 when x goes from -1 to 1

◆ f2

#define f2 (   x)    (x*x*(0.5-x/3.)*6.)

goes from 0 to 1 when x goes from 0 to 1


#define _YHE_BIG_   0.5

maximal $ Y_{He} $


#define _YHE_SMALL_   0.01

minimal $ Y_{He} $

Enumeration Type Documentation

◆ recombination_algorithm

List of possible recombination algorithms.

◆ reionization_parametrization

List of possible reionization schemes.


no reionization


reionization parameterized like in CAMB


binned reionization history with tanh inteprolation between bins


half a tanh, instead of the full tanh


similar to reio_camb but with more than one tanh


linear interpolation between specified points

◆ reionization_z_or_tau

Is the input parameter the reionization redshift or optical depth?


input = redshift


input = tau