fourier.c File Reference
#include "fourier.h"
+ Include dependency graph for fourier.c:


int fourier_pk_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, enum linear_or_logarithmic mode, enum pk_outputs pk_output, double z, int index_pk, double *out_pk, double *out_pk_ic)
int fourier_pk_at_k_and_z (struct background *pba, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo, enum pk_outputs pk_output, double k, double z, int index_pk, double *out_pk, double *out_pk_ic)
int fourier_pks_at_kvec_and_zvec (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, enum pk_outputs pk_output, double *kvec, int kvec_size, double *zvec, int zvec_size, double *out_pk, double *out_pk_cb)
int fourier_pk_tilt_at_k_and_z (struct background *pba, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo, enum pk_outputs pk_output, double k, double z, int index_pk, double *pk_tilt)
int fourier_sigmas_at_z (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double R, double z, int index_pk, enum out_sigmas sigma_output, double *result)
int fourier_k_nl_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double z, double *k_nl, double *k_nl_cb)
int fourier_init (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct thermodynamics *pth, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo)
int fourier_free (struct fourier *pfo)
int fourier_indices (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo)
int fourier_get_k_list (struct precision *ppr, struct perturbations *ppt, struct fourier *pfo)
int fourier_get_tau_list (struct perturbations *ppt, struct fourier *pfo)
int fourier_get_source (struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct fourier *pfo, int index_k, int index_ic, int index_tp, int index_tau, double **sources, double *source)
int fourier_pk_linear (struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo, int index_pk, int index_tau, int k_size, double *lnpk, double *lnpk_ic)
int fourier_sigmas (struct fourier *pfo, double R, double *lnpk_l, double *ddlnpk_l, int k_size, double k_per_decade, enum out_sigmas sigma_output, double *result)
int fourier_sigma_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double R, double z, int index_pk, double k_per_decade, double *result)
int fourier_halofit (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo, int index_pk, double tau, double *pk_nl, double *lnpk_l, double *ddlnpk_l, double *k_nl, short *nl_corr_not_computable_at_this_k)
int fourier_halofit_integrate (struct fourier *pfo, double *integrand_array, int integrand_size, int ia_size, int index_ia_k, int index_ia_pk, int index_ia_sum, int index_ia_ddsum, double R, enum halofit_integral_type type, double *sum)
int fourier_hmcode (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo, int index_pk, int index_tau, double tau, double *pk_nl, double **lnpk_l, double **ddlnpk_l, double *k_nl, short *nl_corr_not_computable_at_this_k, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_workspace_init (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_workspace_free (struct fourier *pfo, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_dark_energy_correction (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_baryonic_feedback (struct fourier *pfo)
int fourier_hmcode_fill_sigtab (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct fourier *pfo, int index_tau, double *lnpk_l, double *ddlnpk_l, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_fill_growtab (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_growint (struct precision *ppr, struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double a, double w0, double wa, double *growth)
int fourier_hmcode_window_nfw (struct fourier *pfo, double k, double rv, double c, double *window_nfw)
int fourier_hmcode_halomassfunction (double nu, double *hmf)
int fourier_hmcode_sigma8_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double z, double *sigma_8, double *sigma_8_cb, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_sigmadisp_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double z, double *sigma_disp, double *sigma_disp_cb, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_sigmadisp100_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double z, double *sigma_disp_100, double *sigma_disp_100_cb, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)
int fourier_hmcode_sigmaprime_at_z (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, double z, double *sigma_prime, double *sigma_prime_cb, struct fourier_workspace *pnw)

Detailed Description

Documented fourier module

Julien Lesgourgues, 6.03.2014

New module replacing an older one present up to version 2.0 The new module is located in a better place in the main, allowing it to compute non-linear correction to $ C_l$'s and not just $ P(k)$. It will also be easier to generalize to new methods. The old implementation of one-loop calculations and TRG calculations has been dropped from this version, they can still be found in older versions.

Function Documentation

◆ fourier_pk_at_z()

int fourier_pk_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
enum linear_or_logarithmic  mode,
enum pk_outputs  pk_output,
double  z,
int  index_pk,
double *  out_pk,
double *  out_pk_ic 

Return the P(k,z) for a given redshift z and pk type (_m, _cb) (linear if pk_output = pk_linear, nonlinear if pk_output = pk_nonlinear)

In the linear case, if there are several initial conditions and the input pointer out_pk_ic is not set to NULL, the function also returns the decomposition into different IC contributions.

Hints on input index_pk:

a. if you want the total matter spectrum P_m(k,z), pass in input pfo->index_pk_total (this index is always defined)

b. if you want the power spectrum relevant for galaxy or halos, given by P_cb if there is non-cold-dark-matter (e.g. massive neutrinos) and to P_m otherwise, pass in input pfo->index_pk_cluster (this index is always defined)

c. there is another possible syntax (use it only if you know what you are doing): if pfo->has_pk_m == TRUE you may pass pfo->index_pk_m to get P_m if pfo->has_pk_cb == TRUE you may pass pfo->index_pk_cb to get P_cb

Output format:

  1. if mode = logarithmic (most straightforward for the code): out_pk = ln(P(k)) out_pk_ic[diagonal] = ln(P_ic(k)) out_pk_ic[non-diagonal] = cos(correlation angle icxic)
  2. if mode = linear (a conversion is done internally in this function) out_pk = P(k) out_pk_ic[diagonal] = P_ic(k) out_pk_ic[non-diagonal] = P_icxic(k)
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
modeInput: linear or logarithmic
pk_outputInput: linear or nonlinear
zInput: redshift
index_pkInput: index of pk type (_m, _cb)
out_pkOutput: P(k) returned as out_pk_l[index_k]
out_pk_icOutput: P_ic(k) returned as out_pk_ic[index_k * pfo->ic_ic_size + index_ic1_ic2]
the error status
  • check whether we need the decomposition into contributions from each initial condition
  • case z=0 requiring no interpolation in z
  • interpolation in z

--> get value of contormal time tau

-> check that tau is in pre-computed table

--> if ln(tau) much too small, raise an error

--> if ln(tau) too small but within tolerance, round it and get right values without interpolating

--> if ln(tau) much too large, raise an error

--> if ln(tau) too large but within tolerance, round it and get right values without interpolating

-> tau is in pre-computed table: interpolate

--> interpolate P_l(k) at tau from pre-computed array

--> interpolate P_ic_l(k) at tau from pre-computed array

--> interpolate P_nl(k) at tau from pre-computed array

  • so far, all output stored in logarithmic format. Eventually, convert to linear one.

--> loop over k

--> convert total spectrum

--> convert contribution of each ic (diagonal elements)

--> convert contribution of each ic (non-diagonal elements)

◆ fourier_pk_at_k_and_z()

int fourier_pk_at_k_and_z ( struct background pba,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo,
enum pk_outputs  pk_output,
double  k,
double  z,
int  index_pk,
double *  out_pk,
double *  out_pk_ic 

Return the P(k,z) for a given (k,z) and pk type (_m, _cb) (linear if pk_output = pk_linear, nonlinear if pk_output = pk_nonlinear)

In the linear case, if there are several initial conditions and the input pointer out_pk_ic is not set to NULL, the function also returns the decomposition into different IC contributions.

Hints on input index_pk:

a. if you want the total matter spectrum P_m(k,z), pass in input pfo->index_pk_total (this index is always defined)

b. if you want the power spectrum relevant for galaxy or halos, given by P_cb if there is non-cold-dark-matter (e.g. massive neutrinos) and to P_m otherwise, pass in input pfo->index_pk_cluster (this index is always defined)

c. there is another possible syntax (use it only if you know what you are doing): if pfo->has_pk_m == TRUE you may pass pfo->index_pk_m to get P_m if pfo->has_pk_cb == TRUE you may pass pfo->index_pk_cb to get P_cb

Output format:

out_pk = P(k)
out_pk_ic[diagonal] = P_ic(k)
out_pk_ic[non-diagonal] = P_icxic(k)
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pk_outputInput: linear or nonlinear
kInput: wavenumber in 1/Mpc
zInput: redshift
index_pkInput: index of pk type (_m, _cb)
out_pkOutput: pointer to P
out_pk_icOuput: P_ic returned as out_pk_ic_l[index_ic1_ic2]
the error status
  • preliminary: check whether we need the decomposition into contributions from each initial condition
  • first step: check that k is in valid range [0:kmax] (the test for z will be done when calling fourier_pk_linear_at_z())
  • deal with case k = 0 for which P(k) is set to zero (this non-physical result can be useful for interpolations)
  • deal with 0 < k <= kmax
  • deal with standard case kmin <= k <= kmax

--> First, get P(k) at the right z (in logarithmic format for more accurate interpolation, and then convert to linear format)

--> interpolate total spectrum

--> convert from logarithmic to linear format

--> interpolate each ic component

--> convert each ic component from logarithmic to linear format

--> deal with case 0 < k < kmin that requires extrapolation P(k) = [some number] * k * P_primordial(k) so P(k) = P(kmin) * (k P_primordial(k)) / (kmin P_primordial(kmin)) (note that the result is accurate only if kmin is such that [a0 kmin] << H0)

This is accurate for the synchronous gauge; TODO: write newtonian gauge case. Also, In presence of isocurvature modes, we assumes for simplicity that the mode with index_ic1_ic2=0 dominates at small k: exact treatment should be written if needed.

--> First, get P(k) at the right z (in linear format)

◆ fourier_pks_at_kvec_and_zvec()

int fourier_pks_at_kvec_and_zvec ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
enum pk_outputs  pk_output,
double *  kvec,
int  kvec_size,
double *  zvec,
int  zvec_size,
double *  out_pk,
double *  out_pk_cb 

Return the P(k,z) for a grid of (k_i,z_j) passed in input, for all available pk types (_m, _cb), either linear or nonlinear depending on input.

If there are several initial conditions, this function is not designed to return individual contributions.

The main goal of this routine is speed. Unlike fourier_pk_at_k_and_z(), it performs no extrapolation when an input k_i falls outside the pre-computed range [kmin,kmax]: in that case, it just returns P(k,z)=0 for such a k_i

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pk_outputInput: pk_linear or pk_nonlinear
kvecInput: array of wavenumbers in ascending order (in 1/Mpc)
kvec_sizeInput: size of array of wavenumbers
zvecInput: array of redshifts in arbitrary order
zvec_sizeInput: size of array of redshifts
out_pkOutput: P(k_i,z_j) for total matter (if available) in Mpc**3
out_pk_cbOutput: P_cb(k_i,z_j) for cdm+baryons (if available) in Mpc**3
the error status


  • define local variables
  • Allocate arrays
  • Construct table of log(P(k_n,z_j)) for pre-computed wavenumbers but requested redshifts:
  • Spline it for interpolation along k
  • Construct ln(kvec):
  • Loop over first k values. If k<kmin, fill output with zeros. If not, go to next step.
  • Deal with case kmin<=k<=kmax. For better performance, do not loop through kvec, but through pre-computed k values.

--> Loop through k_i's that fall in interval [k_n,k_n+1]

--> for each of them, perform spine interpolation

  • Loop over possible remaining k values with k > kmax, to fill output with zeros.

◆ fourier_pk_tilt_at_k_and_z()

int fourier_pk_tilt_at_k_and_z ( struct background pba,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo,
enum pk_outputs  pk_output,
double  k,
double  z,
int  index_pk,
double *  pk_tilt 

Return the logarithmic slope of P(k,z) for a given (k,z), a given pk type (_m, _cb) (computed with linear P_L if pk_output = pk_linear, nonlinear P_NL if pk_output = pk_nonlinear)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pk_outputInput: linear or nonlinear
kInput: wavenumber in 1/Mpc
zInput: redshift
index_pkInput: index of pk type (_m, _cb)
pk_tiltOutput: logarithmic slope of P(k,z)
the error status

◆ fourier_sigmas_at_z()

int fourier_sigmas_at_z ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  R,
double  z,
int  index_pk,
enum out_sigmas  sigma_output,
double *  result 

This routine computes the variance of density fluctuations in a sphere of radius R at redshift z, sigma(R,z), or other similar derived quantitites, for one given pk type (_m, _cb).

The integral is performed until the maximum value of k_max defined in the perturbation module. Here there is not automatic checking that k_max is large enough for the result to be well converged. E.g. to get an accurate sigma8 at R = 8 Mpc/h, the user should pass at least about P_k_max_h/Mpc = 1.

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
RInput: radius in Mpc
zInput: redshift
index_pkInput: type of pk (_m, _cb)
sigma_outputInput: quantity to be computed (sigma, sigma', ...)
resultOutput: result
the error status
  • allocate temporary array for P(k,z) as a function of k
  • get P(k,z) as a function of k, for the right z
  • spline it along k
  • calll the function computing the sigmas
  • free allocated arrays

◆ fourier_k_nl_at_z()

int fourier_k_nl_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  z,
double *  k_nl,
double *  k_nl_cb 

Return the value of the non-linearity wavenumber k_nl for a given redshift z

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
zInput: redshift
k_nlOutput: k_nl value
k_nl_cbOuput: k_nl value of the cdm+baryon part only, if there is ncdm
the error status
  • convert input redshift into a conformal time
  • interpolate the precomputed k_nl array at the needed valuetime
  • if needed, do the same for the baryon part only

◆ fourier_init()

int fourier_init ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct thermodynamics pth,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo 

Initialize the fourier structure, and in particular the nl_corr_density and k_nl interpolation tables.

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pthInput: pointer to therodynamics structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput/Output: pointer to initialized fourier structure
the error status
  • Do we want to compute P(k,z)? Propagate the flag has_pk_matter from the perturbations structure to the fourier structure
  • preliminary tests

--> This module only makes sense for dealing with scalar perturbations, so it should do nothing if there are no scalars

--> Nothing to be done if we don't want the matter power spectrum

--> check applicability of Halofit and HMcode

  • define indices in fourier structure (and allocate some arrays in the structure)
  • get the linear power spectrum at each time

--> loop over required pk types (_m, _cb)

--> get the linear power spectrum for this time and this type

--> if interpolation of $P(k,\tau)$ will be needed (as a function of tau), compute array of second derivatives in view of spline interpolation

  • compute and store sigma8 (variance of density fluctuations in spheres of radius 8/h Mpc at z=0, always computed by convention using the linear power spectrum)
  • get the non-linear power spectrum at each time

--> First deal with the case where non non-linear corrections requested

--> Then go through common preliminary steps to the HALOFIT and HMcode methods

--> allocate temporary arrays for spectra at each given time/redshift

--> Then go through preliminary steps specific to HMcode

--> Loop over decreasing time/growing redhsift. For each time/redshift, compute P_NL(k,z) using either Halofit or HMcode

--> fill the array of nonlinear power spectra (only if we are at a late time where P(k) and T(k) are supposed to be stored, i.e., such that z(tau < z_max_pk)

--> spline the array of nonlinear power spectrum

--> free the nonlinear workspace

  • if the nl_method could not be identified

◆ fourier_free()

int fourier_free ( struct fourier pfo)

Free all memory space allocated by fourier_init().

pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure (to be freed)
the error status

◆ fourier_indices()

int fourier_indices ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo 

Define indices in the fourier structure, and when possible, allocate arrays in this structure given the index sizes found here

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput/Output: pointer to fourier structure
the error status
  • define indices for initial conditions (and allocate related arrays)
  • define flags indices for pk types (_m, _cb). Note: due to some dependencies in HMcode, when pfo->index_pk_cb exists, it must come first (e.g. the calculation of the non-linear P_m depends on sigma_cb so the cb-related quantitites must be evaluated first)
  • get list of k values
  • get list of tau values
  • given previous indices, we can allocate the array of linear power spectrum values
  • if interpolation of $P(k,\tau)$ will be needed (as a function of tau), compute also the array of second derivatives in view of spline interpolation
  • array of sigma8 values
  • if non-linear computations needed, allocate array of non-linear correction ratio R_nl(k,z), k_nl(z) and P_nl(k,z) for each P(k) type

◆ fourier_get_k_list()

int fourier_get_k_list ( struct precision ppr,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct fourier pfo 

Copy list of k from perturbation module, and extended it if necessary to larger k for extrapolation (currently this extrapolation is required only by HMcode)

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
pfoInput/Output: pointer to fourier structure
the error status
  • if k extrapolation necessary, compute number of required extra values
  • otherwise, same number of values as in perturbation module
  • allocate array of k
  • fill array of k (not extrapolated)
  • fill additional values of k (extrapolated)

◆ fourier_get_tau_list()

int fourier_get_tau_list ( struct perturbations ppt,
struct fourier pfo 

Copy list of tau from perturbation module

pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
pfoInput/Output: pointer to fourier structure
the error status

-> for linear calculations: only late times are considered, given the value z_max_pk inferred from the ionput

-> for non-linear calculations: we wills store a correction factor for all times

◆ fourier_get_source()

int fourier_get_source ( struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct fourier pfo,
int  index_k,
int  index_ic,
int  index_tp,
int  index_tau,
double **  sources,
double *  source 

Get sources for a given wavenumber (and for a given time, type, ic, mode...) either directly from precomputed valkues (computed ain perturbation module), or by analytic extrapolation

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
index_kInput: index of required k value
index_icInput: index of required ic value
index_tpInput: index of required tp value
index_tauInput: index of required tau value
sourcesInput: array containing the original sources
sourceOutput: desired value of source
the error status
  • use precomputed values
  • extrapolate

--> Get last source and k, which are used in (almost) all methods

--> Get previous source and k, which are used in best methods

--> Extrapolate by assuming the source to vanish Has terrible discontinuity

--> Extrapolate starting from the maximum value, assuming growth ~ ln(k) Has a terrible bend in log slope, discontinuity only in derivative

--> Extrapolate starting from the maximum value, assuming growth ~ ln(k) Here we use k in h/Mpc instead of 1/Mpc as it is done in the CAMB implementation of HMcode Has a terrible bend in log slope, discontinuity only in derivative

--> Extrapolate assuming source ~ ln(a*k) where a is obtained from the data at k_0 Mostly continuous derivative, quite good

--> Extrapolate assuming source ~ ln(e+a*k) where a is estimated like is done in original HMCode

--> If the user has a complicated model and wants to interpolate differently, they can define their interpolation here and switch to using it instead

◆ fourier_pk_linear()

int fourier_pk_linear ( struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo,
int  index_pk,
int  index_tau,
int  k_size,
double *  lnpk,
double *  lnpk_ic 

This routine computes all the components of the matter power spectrum P(k), given the source functions and the primordial spectra, at a given time within the pre-computed table of sources (= Fourier transfer functions) of the perturbation module, for a given type (total matter _m or baryon+CDM _cb), and for the same array of k values as in the pre-computed table.

If the input array of k values pfo->ln_k contains wavemumbers larger than those of the pre-computed table, the sources will be extrapolated analytically.

On the opther hand, if the primordial spectrum has sharp features and needs to be sampled on a finer grid than the sources, this function has to be modified to capture the features.

There are two output arrays, because we consider:

  • the total matter (_m) or CDM+baryon (_cb) power spectrum
  • in the quantitites labelled _ic, the splitting of one of these spectra in different modes for different initial conditions. If the pointer ln_pk_ic is NULL in input, the function will ignore this part; thus, to get the result, one should allocate the array before calling the function. Then the convention is the following:

– the index_ic1_ic2 labels ordered pairs (index_ic1, index_ic2) (since the primordial spectrum is symmetric in (index_ic1, index_ic2)).

– for diagonal elements (index_ic1 = index_ic2) this arrays contains ln[P(k)] where P(k) is positive by construction.

– for non-diagonal elements this arrays contains the k-dependent cosine of the correlation angle, namely P(k)_(index_ic1, index_ic2)/sqrt[P(k)_index_ic1 P(k)_index_ic2]. E.g. for fully correlated or anti-correlated initial conditions, this non-diagonal element is independent on k, and equal to +1 or -1.

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
index_pkInput: index of required P(k) type (_m, _cb)
index_tauInput: index of time
k_sizeInput: wavenumber array size
lnpkOutput: log of matter power spectrum for given type/time, for all wavenumbers
lnpk_icOutput: log of matter power spectrum for given type/time, for all wavenumbers and initial conditions
the error status
  • allocate temporary vector where the primordial spectrum will be stored
  • loop over k values

--> get primordial spectrum

--> initialize a local variable for P_m(k) and P_cb(k) to zero

--> here we recall the relations relevant for the nomalization fo the power spectrum: For adiabatic modes, the curvature primordial spectrum thnat we just read was: P_R(k) = 1/(2pi^2) k^3 < R R > Thus the primordial curvature correlator is given by: < R R > = (2pi^2) k^-3 P_R(k) So the delta_m correlator reads: P(k) = < delta_m delta_m > = (source_m)^2 < R R > = (2pi^2) k^-3 (source_m)^2 P_R(k)

For isocurvature or cross adiabatic-isocurvature parts, one would just replace one or two 'R' by 'S_i's

--> get contributions to P(k) diagonal in the initial conditions

--> get contributions to P(k) non-diagonal in the initial conditions

◆ fourier_sigmas()

int fourier_sigmas ( struct fourier pfo,
double  R,
double *  lnpk_l,
double *  ddlnpk_l,
int  k_size,
double  k_per_decade,
enum out_sigmas  sigma_output,
double *  result 

Calculate intermediate quantities for hmcode (sigma, sigma', ...) for a given scale R and a given input P(k).

This function has several differences w.r.t. the standard external function non_linear_sigma (format of input, of output, integration stepsize, management of extrapolation at large k, ...) and is overall more precise for sigma(R).

pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
RInput: scale at which to compute sigma
lnpk_lInput: array of ln(P(k))
ddlnpk_lInput: its spline along k
k_sizeInput: dimension of array lnpk_l, normally pfo->k_size, but inside hmcode it its increased by extrapolation to pfo->k_extra_size
k_per_decadeInput: logarithmic step for the integral (recommended: pass ppr->sigma_k_per_decade)
sigma_outputInput: quantity to be computed (sigma, sigma', ...)
resultOutput: result
the error status
  • allocate temporary array for an integral over y(x)
  • fill the array with values of k and of the integrand
  • spline the integrand
  • integrate
  • preperly normalize the final result
  • free allocated array

◆ fourier_sigma_at_z()

int fourier_sigma_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  R,
double  z,
int  index_pk,
double  k_per_decade,
double *  result 

This routine computes the variance of density fluctuations in a sphere of radius R at redshift z, sigma(R,z) for one given pk type (_m, _cb).

Try to use instead fourier_sigmas_at_z(). This function is just maintained for compatibility with the deprecated function harmonic_sigma()

The integral is performed until the maximum value of k_max defined in the perturbation module. Here there is not automatic checking that k_max is large enough for the result to be well converged. E.g. to get an accurate sigma8 at R = 8 Mpc/h, the user should pass at least about P_k_max_h/Mpc = 1.

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
RInput: radius in Mpc
zInput: redshift
index_pkInput: type of pk (_m, _cb)
k_per_decadeInput: logarithmic step for the integral (recommended: pass ppr->sigma_k_per_decade)
resultOutput: result
the error status
  • allocate temporary array for P(k,z) as a function of k
  • get P(k,z) as a function of k, for the right z
  • spline it along k
  • calll the function computing the sigmas
  • free allocated arrays

◆ fourier_halofit()

int fourier_halofit ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo,
int  index_pk,
double  tau,
double *  pk_nl,
double *  lnpk_l,
double *  ddlnpk_l,
double *  k_nl,
short *  nl_corr_not_computable_at_this_k 

Calculation of the nonlinear matter power spectrum with Halofit (includes Takahashi 2012 + Bird 2013 revisions).

At high redshift it is possible that the non-linear corrections are so small that they can be computed only by going to very large wavenumbers. Thius, for some combination of (z, k_max), the calculation is not possible. In this case a FALSE will be returned in the flag halofit_found_k_max.

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
index_pkInput: index of component are we looking at (total matter or cdm+baryons?)
tauInput: conformal time at which we want to do the calculation
pk_nlOutput: non linear spectrum at the relevant time
lnpk_lInput: array of log(P(k)_linear)
ddlnpk_lInput: array of second derivative of log(P(k)_linear) wrt k, for spline interpolation
k_nlOutput: non-linear wavenumber
nl_corr_not_computable_at_this_kOuput: flag concerning the status of the calculation (TRUE if not possible)
the error status

Determine non linear ratios (from pk)

◆ fourier_halofit_integrate()

int fourier_halofit_integrate ( struct fourier pfo,
double *  integrand_array,
int  integrand_size,
int  ia_size,
int  index_ia_k,
int  index_ia_pk,
int  index_ia_sum,
int  index_ia_ddsum,
double  R,
enum halofit_integral_type  type,
double *  sum 

Internal routione of Halofit. In original Halofit, this is equivalent to the function wint(). It performs convolutions of the linear spectrum with two window functions.

pfoInput: pointer to non linear structure
integrand_arrayInput: array with k, P_L(k) values
integrand_sizeInput: one dimension of that array
ia_sizeInput: other dimension of that array
index_ia_kInput: index for k
index_ia_pkInput: index for pk
index_ia_sumInput: index for the result
index_ia_ddsumInput: index for its spline
RInput: radius
typeInput: which window function to use
sumOutput: result of the integral
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode()

int fourier_hmcode ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo,
int  index_pk,
int  index_tau,
double  tau,
double *  pk_nl,
double **  lnpk_l,
double **  ddlnpk_l,
double *  k_nl,
short *  nl_corr_not_computable_at_this_k,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Computes the nonlinear correction on the linear power spectrum via the method presented in Mead et al. 1505.07833

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
index_pkInput: index of the pk type, either index_m or index_cb
index_tauInput: index of tau, at which to compute the nl correction
tauInput: tau, at which to compute the nl correction
pk_nlOutput:nonlinear power spectrum
lnpk_lInput: logarithm of the linear power spectrum for both index_m and index_cb
ddlnpk_lInput: spline of the logarithm of the linear power spectrum for both index_m and index_cb
nl_corr_not_computable_at_this_kOuput: was the computation doable?
k_nlOutput: nonlinear scale for index_m and index_cb
pnwInput/Output: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

include precision parameters that control the number of entries in the growth and sigma tables

Compute background quantitites today

If index_pk_cb, choose Omega0_cb as the matter density parameter. If index_pk_m, choose Omega0_cbn as the matter density parameter.

Call all the relevant background parameters at this tau

Test whether pk_cb has to be taken into account (only if we have massive neutrinos)

Get sigma(R=8 Mpc/h), sigma_disp(R=0), sigma_disp(R=100 Mpc/h) and write them into pfo structure

Initialisation steps for the 1-Halo Power Integral

find nonlinear scales k_nl and r_nl and the effective spectral index n_eff

Calculate halo concentration-mass relation conc(mass) (Bullock et al. 2001)

Compute the nonlinear correction

◆ fourier_hmcode_workspace_init()

int fourier_hmcode_workspace_init ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

allocate and fill arrays of nonlinear workspace (currently used only by HMcode)

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status
  • allocate arrays of the nonlinear workspace
  • fill table with scale independent growth factor

◆ fourier_hmcode_workspace_free()

int fourier_hmcode_workspace_free ( struct fourier pfo,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

deallocate arrays in the nonlinear worksapce (currently used only by HMcode)

pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pnwInput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_dark_energy_correction()

int fourier_hmcode_dark_energy_correction ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

set the HMcode dark energy correction (if w is not -1)

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status
  • if there is dynamical Dark Energy (w is not -1) modeled as a fluid
  • otherwise, we assume no dynamical Dark Energy (w is -1)

◆ fourier_hmcode_baryonic_feedback()

int fourier_hmcode_baryonic_feedback ( struct fourier pfo)

set the HMcode baryonic feedback parameters according to the chosen feedback model

pfoOutput: pointer to fourier structure
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_fill_sigtab()

int fourier_hmcode_fill_sigtab ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct fourier pfo,
int  index_tau,
double *  lnpk_l,
double *  ddlnpk_l,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Function that fills pnw->rtab, pnw->stab and pnw->ddstab with (r, sigma, ddsigma) logarithmically spaced in r. Called by fourier_init at for all tau to account for scale-dependant growth before fourier_hmcode is called

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pptInput: pointer to perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
index_tauInput: index of tau, at which to compute the nl correction
lnpk_lInput: logarithm of the linear power spectrum for either index_m or index_cb
ddlnpk_lInput: spline of the logarithm of the linear power spectrum for either index_m or index_cb
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_fill_growtab()

int fourier_hmcode_fill_growtab ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Function that fills pnw->tautable and pnw->growtable with (tau, D(tau)) linearly spaced in scalefactor a. Called by fourier_init at before the loop over tau

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure (will provide the scale independent growth factor)
pfoInput/Output: pointer to fourier structure
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_growint()

int fourier_hmcode_growint ( struct precision ppr,
struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  a,
double  w0,
double  wa,
double *  growth 

This function finds the scale independent growth factor by integrating the approximate relation d(lnD)/d(lna) = Omega_m(z)^gamma by Linder & Cahn 2007

pprInput: pointer to precision structure
pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
aInput: scalefactor
w0Input: dark energy equation of state today
waInput: dark energy equation of state varying with a: w=w0+(1-a)wa
growthOutput: scale independent growth factor at a
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_window_nfw()

int fourier_hmcode_window_nfw ( struct fourier pfo,
double  k,
double  rv,
double  c,
double *  window_nfw 

This is the fourier transform of the NFW density profile.

pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
kInput: wave vector
rvInput: virial radius
cInput: concentration = rv/rs (with scale radius rs)
window_nfwOutput: Window Function of the NFW profile
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_halomassfunction()

int fourier_hmcode_halomassfunction ( double  nu,
double *  hmf 

This is the Sheth-Tormen halo mass function (1999, MNRAS, 308, 119)

nuInput: the $ \nu $ parameter that depends on the halo mass via $ \nu(M) = \delta_c/\sigma(M) $
hmfOutput: Value of the halo mass function at this $ \nu $
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_sigma8_at_z()

int fourier_hmcode_sigma8_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  z,
double *  sigma_8,
double *  sigma_8_cb,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Compute sigma8(z)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
zInput: redshift
sigma_8Output: sigma8(z)
sigma_8_cbOutput: sigma8_cb(z)
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_sigmadisp_at_z()

int fourier_hmcode_sigmadisp_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  z,
double *  sigma_disp,
double *  sigma_disp_cb,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Compute sigmadisp(z)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
zInput: redshift
sigma_dispOutput: sigmadisp(z)
sigma_disp_cbOutput: sigmadisp_cb(z)
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_sigmadisp100_at_z()

int fourier_hmcode_sigmadisp100_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  z,
double *  sigma_disp_100,
double *  sigma_disp_100_cb,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Compute sigmadisp100(z)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
zInput: redshift
sigma_disp_100Output: sigmadisp100(z)
sigma_disp_100_cbOutput: sigmadisp100_cb(z)
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status

◆ fourier_hmcode_sigmaprime_at_z()

int fourier_hmcode_sigmaprime_at_z ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
double  z,
double *  sigma_prime,
double *  sigma_prime_cb,
struct fourier_workspace pnw 

Compute sigma'(z)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
zInput: redshift
sigma_primeOutput: sigma'(z)
sigma_prime_cbOutput: sigma'_cb(z)
pnwOutput: pointer to nonlinear workspace
the error status