output.c File Reference
#include "output.h"
+ Include dependency graph for output.c:


int output_init (struct background *pba, struct thermodynamics *pth, struct perturbations *ppt, struct primordial *ppm, struct transfer *ptr, struct harmonic *phr, struct fourier *pfo, struct lensing *ple, struct distortions *psd, struct output *pop)
int output_cl (struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct harmonic *phr, struct lensing *ple, struct output *pop)
int output_pk (struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct fourier *pfo, struct output *pop, enum pk_outputs pk_output)
int output_tk (struct background *pba, struct perturbations *ppt, struct output *pop)
int output_heating (struct injection *pin, struct noninjection *pni, struct output *pop)
int output_distortions (struct distortions *psd, struct output *pop)
int output_print_data (FILE *out, char titles[_MAXTITLESTRINGLENGTH_], double *dataptr, int size_dataptr)
int output_open_cl_file (struct harmonic *phr, struct output *pop, FILE **clfile, FileName filename, char *first_line, int lmax)
int output_one_line_of_cl (struct background *pba, struct harmonic *phr, struct output *pop, FILE *clfile, double l, double *cl, int ct_size)
int output_open_pk_file (struct background *pba, struct fourier *pfo, struct output *pop, FILE **pkfile, FileName filename, char *first_line, double z)
int output_one_line_of_pk (FILE *pkfile, double one_k, double one_pk)

Detailed Description

Documented output module

Julien Lesgourgues, 26.08.2010

This module writes the output in files.

The following functions can be called from other modules or from the main:

  1. output_init() (must be called after harmonic_init())
  2. output_total_cl_at_l() (can be called even before output_init())

No memory needs to be deallocated after that, hence there is no output_free() routine like in other modules.

Function Documentation

◆ output_init()

int output_init ( struct background pba,
struct thermodynamics pth,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct primordial ppm,
struct transfer ptr,
struct harmonic phr,
struct fourier pfo,
struct lensing ple,
struct distortions psd,
struct output pop 

This routine writes the output in files.

pbaInput: pointer to background structure (needed for calling harmonic_pk_at_z())
pthInput: pointer to thermodynamics structure
pptInput: pointer perturbation structure
ppmInput: pointer to primordial structure
ptrInput: pointer to transfer structure
phrInput: pointer to harmonic structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
pleInput: pointer to lensing structure
psdInput: pointer to distortions structure
popInput: pointer to output structure


  • check that we really want to output at least one file
  • deal with all anisotropy power spectra $ C_l$'s
  • deal with all Fourier matter power spectra P(k)'s
  • deal with density and matter power spectra
  • deal with background quantities
  • deal with thermodynamics quantities
  • deal with perturbation quantities
  • deal with primordial spectra
  • deal with heating
  • deal with spectral distortions

◆ output_cl()

int output_cl ( struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct harmonic phr,
struct lensing ple,
struct output pop 

This routines writes the output in files for anisotropy power spectra $ C_l$'s.

pbaInput: pointer to background structure (needed for $ T_{cmb}$)
pptInput: pointer perturbation structure
phrInput: pointer to harmonic structure
pleInput: pointer to lensing structure
popInput: pointer to output structure


  • define local variables
  • first, allocate all arrays of files and $ C_l$'s
  • second, open only the relevant files, and write a heading in each of them
  • third, perform loop over l. For each multipole, get all $ C_l$'s by calling harmonic_cl_at_l() and distribute the results to relevant files
  • finally, close files and free arrays of files and $ C_l$'s

◆ output_pk()

int output_pk ( struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct fourier pfo,
struct output pop,
enum pk_outputs  pk_output 

This routines writes the output in files for Fourier matter power spectra P(k)'s (linear or non-linear)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure (needed for calling harmonic_pk_at_z())
pptInput: pointer perturbation structure
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
popInput: pointer to output structure
pk_outputInput: pk_linear or pk_nonlinear


  • define local variables
  • preliminary: check whether we need to output the decomposition into contributions from each initial condition
  • allocate arrays to store the P(k)
  • allocate pointer to output files
  • loop over pk type (_cb, _m)
  • loop over z
  • first, check that requested redshift z_pk is consistent
  • second, open only the relevant files and write a header in each of them
  • third, compute P(k) for each k
  • fourth, write in files
  • fifth, close files

◆ output_tk()

int output_tk ( struct background pba,
struct perturbations ppt,
struct output pop 

This routines writes the output in files for matter transfer functions $ T_i(k)$'s.

pbaInput: pointer to background structure (needed for calling harmonic_pk_at_z())
pptInput: pointer perturbation structure
popInput: pointer to output structure


  • define local variables
  • first, check that requested redshift z_pk is consistent
  • second, open only the relevant files, and write a heading in each of them
  • free memory and close files

◆ output_heating()

int output_heating ( struct injection *  pin,
struct noninjection *  pni,
struct output pop 

Local variables

◆ output_distortions()

int output_distortions ( struct distortions psd,
struct output pop 

Local variables

◆ output_print_data()

int output_print_data ( FILE *  out,
double *  dataptr,
int  size_dataptr 


  • First we print the titles
  • Then we print the data

◆ output_open_cl_file()

int output_open_cl_file ( struct harmonic phr,
struct output pop,
FILE **  clfile,
FileName  filename,
char *  first_line,
int  lmax 

This routine opens one file where some $ C_l$'s will be written, and writes a heading with some general information concerning its content.

phrInput: pointer to harmonic structure
popInput: pointer to output structure
clfileOutput: returned pointer to file pointer
filenameInput: name of the file
first_lineInput: text describing the content (mode, initial condition..)
lmaxInput: last multipole in the file (the first one is assumed to be 2)
the error status


  • First we deal with the entries that are dependent of format type
  • Next deal with entries that are independent of format type

◆ output_one_line_of_cl()

int output_one_line_of_cl ( struct background pba,
struct harmonic phr,
struct output pop,
FILE *  clfile,
double  l,
double *  cl,
int  ct_size 

This routine write one line with l and all $ C_l$'s for all types (TT, TE...)

pbaInput: pointer to background structure (needed for $ T_{cmb}$)
phrInput: pointer to harmonic structure
popInput: pointer to output structure
clfileInput: file pointer
lInput: multipole
clInput: $ C_l$'s for all types
ct_sizeInput: number of types
the error status

◆ output_open_pk_file()

int output_open_pk_file ( struct background pba,
struct fourier pfo,
struct output pop,
FILE **  pkfile,
FileName  filename,
char *  first_line,
double  z 

This routine opens one file where some P(k)'s will be written, and writes a heading with some general information concerning its content.

pbaInput: pointer to background structure (needed for h)
pfoInput: pointer to fourier structure
popInput: pointer to output structure
pkfileOutput: returned pointer to file pointer
filenameInput: name of the file
first_lineInput: text describing the content (initial conditions, ...)
zInput: redshift of the output
the error status

◆ output_one_line_of_pk()

int output_one_line_of_pk ( FILE *  pkfile,
double  one_k,
double  one_pk 

This routine writes one line with k and P(k)

pkfileInput: file pointer
one_kInput: wavenumber
one_pkInput: matter power spectrum
the error status